The Country Pilot Program

Uniting our community to improve patient outcomes on the ground

Global Collaboration. Local Impact.

Access to Personalized Healthcare varies greatly worldwide, creating disparities in patient care. Many patients are not able to access the right care at the right time with access barriers at the care and health system level. The FT3 Country Pilots Program mobilizes diverse stakeholders to bridge this gap and bring global best practices and insights to the local level, where change happens.

In these pilots we bring together local groups, including local patient organizations and health care providers, to solve challenges in personalized healthcare. By sharing tools and knowledge, we empower local champions to drive change on the ground.

Country Pilot goals at a glance

Grow a Community of Practice to share experiences and support local champions in improving access to personalized healthcare

Learn about local barriers, identify solutions and refine the community’s tools and learnings to accelerate access

Develop case studies to share learnings and good practices with the wider community

Building Collaborative Pathways to Access

We partner with local champions—experts deeply rooted in their communities, who bring invaluable insights into their environments. They’re the key to unlocking a world where the right patients are identified for the right treatment at the right time.

Together, we address local challenges pinpointed through our research and the shared insights of the FT3 community, including in biomarker testing, targeted therapy, and patient-provider dialogue. 

By comprehending diverse health system archetypes and their challenges in providing patients access to personalized medicine, this Program strives to lay a foundation for scalability to reduce disparities in access to personalized health care globally, starting in cancer.

Meet the individuals who help drive change on the ground

Our alliances are something special. They’re groups of the willing – patients, healthcare providers, industry leaders, payers, and policy makers. Everyone brings something unique to the table, united by a common goal: making personalized healthcare more accessible.

Our country pilots and their impact

Navigate the map below to learn more about our ongoing pilots

Country pilot in Spain: Situación de Acceso a BIOMARcadores en ESpaña (SABIOMARES)
Country Pilot in Hungary A multi-stakeholder initiative led by Lélek-Zet
Country Pilot in the Philippines Pilot in incubation

Country Pilot in Japan
Pilot in incubation

Join the community and ignite change

Are you Interested in participating as a patient organization or local stakeholder? Do you want to support this initiative? Or are simply eager to learn more?

Latest news from this Program

Hear from the community of practice that makes it all possible 

Why pilot with FT3?

Global Best Practices and Learnings

Benefit from insights gleaned by a multi-stakeholder group of experts.

Expert Network Access

Tap into a diverse network of industry leaders, healthcare professionals, and decision-makers.

Customized Support

Tap into a diverse network of industry leaders, healthcare professionals, and decision-makers.

Global Knowledge Sharing

Contribute to the global Precision Medicine community by sharing your experiences.

Enhanced Patient Experience

Elevate outcomes in your focus area.

Increased Visibility

Showcase your organization’s work on a global stage.


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